  global $query_vars;
	global $_GET;
	global $_REQUEST;
	do_action('qm/debug', $query_vars);
	do_action('qm/debug', $_REQUEST);
Tablet Portrait
Mobile Landscape
Mobile Portrait

Kick-Off Kicks Off!

The joy of food you don’t have to pay for!

Shout out to Natalja and Grace plus all of our incredible volunteers for putting together this event. It was a great way to unwind after a day of endless meetings and grind. We hope you enjoyed the free food and drink, I know I did! Also, thank you to our sibling unions for showing out and hanging with us, your presence is important to us.

Congrats to our raffle winners and thank you for your generous donations to the COPE fund. Your involvement gives us the ability to be involved in NJ politics and makes out voices and needs heard! If you want to donate even the smallest amount of money to the fund, please check our politics page for details.